As a collective of workers, our mission is to promote the value of good work; provide the tools to access good work and build skills to gain and sustain good work. The people behind The GoodWork Place Liz Jenkins | Co-Founder Liz is an experienced career coach and educator, a Mum of grown up children, the companion of a gorgeous Boxer dog and wife of a (slightly) mad scientist. Liz has worked for many years supporting people to identify career paths, find new jobs and progress in their careers.— Linkedin Alice Corfield | Co-Founder Alice is a social worker, who enjoys working with individuals & groups. As a wife & mother, daughter, sister & friend, Alice is all about people, loving to spend time with the amazing folk in her life. She has worked throughout her career to support people through crisis and to effect change. She aims to build confidence & empower people to make choices for themselves.— Linkedin