How is this for free?

GoodWorkPlace exists to come along side fellow workers with sound advice and genuine companionship during changes in employment and career.

We are a start-up non-profit collective of experienced workers with relevant skills; we give our services free of charge.

We seek to build a community of workers who can support and provide one another with the tools, tips and experience to successfully obtain good work.

Please consider a small donation to
The GoodWork Place

  • If you have been helped by any of our services

  • and/or would like to partner with a financial donation

We currently require a small amount of funding to cover costs in offering our services free at the point of access. The button below takes you to our crowdfunding page.

Global Pandemic and Employment

Covid 19 has disrupted and devastated working life: its full impact is yet to be seen.

This disruption will sometimes be for good but its negative impact will be felt by those least prepared to respond to change. Your support is needed, and appreciated.